Monday, August 14, 2006

About me Trs

Hi everybody! From Altamonte Springs, Florida, I will try to show you how's my life like in this country.
As you all know, I have came here to be a grandmother. God blessed me making me grandmother when I was young enough to enjoy my grandchildren, and living in my country I had not the opportunity to. It was not easy. It is not easy, but I never thought it would be a piece of cake, did I? My beginnings were a little hard; I had to be three days at Florida Hospital... Pneumonia, they said. I think it was half of pneumonia, half of sadness. But time went by, and now I live in a pretty nice apartment, God is still taking care of me, I have found excellent human beings, and things seem to be better.
I do not forget my friends; in fact, I have never been as closed to them as I am now.
I remember you every day, at any time, and I would like to share with you my life. That’s why I have this blog. .

Saturday, August 12, 2006


SI... (IF).
Rudyard kipling (1835-1936).

Si logras conservar intacta tu firmeza,
Cuando todos vacilan y tachan tu entereza,
Si a pesar de esas dudas, mantienes tus creencias,
Sin que te debiliten extrañas sugerencias.

Si sabes esperar, y fiel a la verdad, reacio a la mentira,
el odio de los otros te sienta indiferente,
Sin creerte por ello, muy sabio o muy valiente.
Si sueñas, sin por ello rendirte ante tu ensueño,
Si piensas, mas de tu pensamiento sigues dueño.
Si triunfos o desastres, no menguan tus ardores,
y por igual los tratas como dos impostores

Si soportas oir la verdad deformada,
cual trampa de necios, por malvados usada.
o mirar hecho trizas de tu vida el ideal,
y con gastados utiles, recomienzas igual.

Si toda la victoria conquistada, te atreves a arriesgar
en una audaz jugada,

y aun perdiendo,
sin quejas, ni tristezas,
con nuevo brio reiniciaa puedes tu empresa.

Si entregado a la lucha, con nervio y corazon,
aun desfallecido, persistes en la accion,
y extraes energias, cansado y vacilante,
de heroica voluntad, que te ordena ¡adelante!.

Si al pueblo te acercas sin perder tu virtud,
y con reyes alternas sin cambiar de actitud,

Si no logran turbarte ni amigo, ni enemigo,
pero en justa medida, pueden contar contigo.
Si alcanzas a llenar, el minuto sereno,
de sesenta segundos, de un esfuerzo supremo,
lo que existe en el mundo, en tus manos tendras,
y además hijo mio: ¡ un hombre tu seras !

Wednesday, August 09, 2006